Our "QTrack" African Easterly Wave Tracker is now available in python! Check it out here!
Check out our recent publication on Kelvin waves in atmospheric simulations here!
Another recent collaboration on African easterly waves was also just published: check it out here!

(top) Me serving as a flight scientist aboard the NASA DC-8, during the CPEX-CV campaign. (bottom) Me standing in front of the NASA DC-8 aircraft in Sal, Cabo Verde.
Current Research Interests
Tropical Wave Dynamics and Interactions
Scale-Interactions over Africa and the Atlantic
Tropical Cyclone Formation
Numerical Modeling and Verification
Get in Touch
About Me
Hello, welcome to my page! My name is Quinton Lawton.
I am an ASP Postdoctoral Fellow at the NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research.
I am passionate about using tropical weather research as a way to mitigate the negative impacts of extreme weather on people and communities. I have expertise in tropical waves and tropical cyclone formation. My research has involved the use of numerical modeling platforms (primarily the MPAS-A system) and the analysis of large atmospheric datasets. I developed an African Easterly wave tracker that has been used in research and operationally. I also have experience with fieldwork through the NASA CPEX-CV campaign in Cabo Verde.
I have worked to develop impactful research collaborations throughout my career. I have collaborated with scientists at the NOAA Environmental Modeling Center (EMC), the Hurricane Research Division (HRD), the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), NASA, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), and numerous other academic institutions around the world.
I believe it is important to use my career to innovate programs that make science and research more accessible to students and the general public. As a result, I have been heavily involved in outreach activities and educational initiatives. Check out my CV to learn more.
Please reach out if you want to learn more, collaborate, or if you are looking for a scientist to come speak to your group or classroom!
In The News
Fox Weather "What does the remainder of hurricane season look like?", Oct, 15, 2024.
Fox Weather "Saharan Dust plume keeps hurricanes at bay -- at least for now", Jul, 16, 2024.
News@TheU "Investigating the genesis of hurricanes", Jul 12, 2024
News@TheU "New study provides enhanced understanding of tropical atmospheric waves", Jul 10, 2024.
NCAR & UCAR News "Dampening the 'Seeds' of Hurricanes", Jul 1, 2024.
Newsweek "Otis Before-and-After Photos Show Category 5 Hurricane's Destruction", Oct 27, 2023
Newsweek "Hurricane Tammy 'Craziest' Spaghetti Models Show US States It Could Hit", Oct 25, 2023.
News@TheU "April guide to the arts at the U", Mar 31, 2022.
News@TheU "2021 Atlantic hurricane season comes to an end", Nov 30, 2021.
News@TheU "A mid-season review of the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season", Oct 6, 2021.
​News@TheU "Canes on Canes webinar takes a deep dive on hurricanes", Jun 7, 2021.
Miami Living Magazine "Hurricane Prep Tips Amid Pandemic", Jun 23, 2020.
News@TheU "UM students awarded prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowships", May 27, 2020.
TAMU Foundation "A Scientific Summer to Remember", Jun 19, 2019.
TAMU GeoNews "Meteorology Student Contributed to Hurricane Forecast Model Improvements", Nov 30, 2018.
KBTX News "TAMU green roof project breaks real world & classroom barriers", Apr 5, 2017.